The Centre for Research in Design is structured around several bodies and is composed of a General Assembly, a Laboratory Council and a Supervisory Committee.


Director: Auger James (ENS Paris-Saclay) + contact
Co-director: Armand Behar (ENSCi - Les Ateliers) + contact

The Centre’s statutes stipulate a five-yearly alternation of the positions of director and deputy-director, taking into account that they each belong to one of the supervisory bodies. 

Administration office

Sithari Sisombat + contact
Fanny Claude + contact


The Centre has 24 members, including:

• 12 researcher-lecturers (permanent members): James Auger (ENS Paris-Saclay), Armand Behar (ENSCi - Les Ateliers), Philippe Baudoin (IUT Cachan, UP-Saclay), Claire Brunet (ENS Paris-Saclay), Roland Cahen (ENSCi - Les Ateliers), Guillaume Foissac (EDF / ENS Paris-Saclay), Catherine Geel (Ensad Nancy / ENS Paris-Saclay), Olivier Hirt (ENSCi - Les Ateliers), Anne Lefebvre (ENS Paris-Saclay), Xavier Lesage (ENSCI Les Ateliers), Lorène Picard (ENS Paris-Saclay), Émile de Visscher (ENS Paris-Saclay).
• 2 administrative or administrative-related staff members: Fanny Claude (ENSCi - Les Ateliers), Sithari Sisombat (ENS Paris-Saclay) 
• 8 PhD candidates under supervision or co-supervision : Étienne Axelos, Bérangère Clépier, Anne-Cécile Cochet, Rachel Floch, Valentin Graillat, Olivier Troff, Léa Paymal, Julia Reitzer
2 associate members: Nathalie Guimbretière, Apolline Le Gall.

All members, permanent, non-permanent and associated, convene in a general meeting a minimum of twice a year.

The Laboratory Council.

The Laboratory Council, which has a consulting role in all questions relating to political science, the management of resources, the organisation and running of the CRD, convene at least 4 times a year. 

It is composed of:
The Centre’s directors: James Auger, Armand Behar
Council members: 6 permanent members elected by researcher-lecturers: Claire Brunet, Roland Cahen, Aurélien Fouillet, Olivier Hirt, Anne Lefebvre, Xavier Lesage.
1 permanent member elected by the administrative college and administrative staff: Christine Terrisse.
1 member of permanent, adjunct and associate members, nominated by the Laboratory directors : Emile De Visscher.
1 temporary member, elected by peers of the doctoral college, contractual researchers, and post-doctorate students:  Anne-Cécile Cochet and Valentin Graillat.



16/11/2024 14:00 Lorène Picard's thesis defence at the ESADSE in Saint-Étienne: Web et transparence. Critical consciousness in art and design (1995-2019). +
04/10/2024 08:30 Familiarise yourself with the fundamental principles of design for additive manufacturing of bio-based materials. +