The ENS Paris-Saclay and the ENSCi-Les Ateliers offer a Master’s degree “Research in Design”, directed in cooperation with their partner Telecom Paris (IPP).

This Master's degree, which is part of the Design section of its Graduate School Humanities and Heritage Sciences, is perfectly suited to a candidate with a Bachelor's degree (BA) aiming for the Design doctorate of ED SSH n°629. Those with an existing M1 degree can apply for direct entry into the second year (M2R).

More information, how to apply:

Masters in “Research in Design” year one
Masters in “Research in Design"



16/11/2024 14:00 Lorène Picard's thesis defence at the ESADSE in Saint-Étienne: Web et transparence. Critical consciousness in art and design (1995-2019). +
04/10/2024 08:30 Familiarise yourself with the fundamental principles of design for additive manufacturing of bio-based materials. +