Baudouin Philippe
Associate Professor (PAST) in Media History.
Technology Institute, Université Paris-Saclay.
Philosophy and history of Technique, director and author of radio programmes.
Research topics
• Media History; the history of the radio
• Philosophy and the History of Technique
• History of the occult
Director and author of radiophonic programmes, Philippe Baudouin lives and works in Paris. A philosopher by training, and specialised in the history of Technique and media, he has published several works and articles on the question of radiophonic writing, notably in the work of Walter Benjamin. He is currently working on the ways in which different occultist tendencies have, throughout history, seized upon the technical object, both in terms of mediation and communication.
- INAthèque prize (2009)
- Au-delà, associate curator, Galerie Christian Besrt, Paris, March-April 2019.
- Dessiner l'invisible, associate curator, Galerie 24B, Paris, October-November 2020.
- BAUDOUIN, Philippe, Gaston Bachelard au pays des voix in Les Cahiers européens de l'imaginaire, CNRS éditions, January 2021, pp. 118-129.
- BAUDOUIN, Philippe, (Dés)habiller les fantômes) in Critique : revue générale des publications françaises et étrangères, Minuit, January 2021.
- BAUDOUIN, Philippe, (Dés)habiller les médiums) in Modes pratiques : revue d'histoire du vêtement et de la mode, École supérieure des arts appliqués Duperré Paris, Institut de recherches historiques du Septentrion, Université de Lille 3, 2020, pp. 17-29.
- BAUDOUIN, Philippe, Archives maudites, Socio-anthropologie n°34, 2016, pp. 33-48.
- BAUDOUIN, Philippe, Spectra Ex Machina. Technique phonographique et ‘science des fantômes' autour de 1900, Catalogue de l'exposition Persona : étrangement humain, Musée du Quai Branly, Ed. Actes Sud, Paris, 2016, pp. 137-145.
- BAUDOUIN, Philippe (dir.), Walter Benjamin, Écrits radiophoniques, trad. Philippe Ivernel, Allia, Paris, 2014.
- BAUDOUIN, Philippe, Au microphone : Dr. Walter Benjamin. Walter Benjamin et la création radiophonique. 1929-1933, Ed. de la MSH, Paris, 2009.
Autres responsabilités scientifiques Other research responsabilities
- Member of research group on Weimar culture (MSH Paris Nord).