Research days, Types vs Standards - Strasbourg University.
Two days of research organized on February 25 and 26, 2025 at the Misha and the Doctoral College of the University of Strasbourg around the notion of “writing” of the type (02/25) and on the study of practices and material forms of typification.
Journées de recherche Types vs Standards, 25 et 26 février 2025
Misha & Collège doctoral, Université de Strasbourg.
Type versus Standard, towards new components. Historical and critical studies in the context of transition design (1914-2024) is a project (2025-2027) labeled by the RnMSH (Misha and MSH Paris-Saclay) and the Ministry of Culture (RADAR).
- Tuesday 25 February I TYPES. History, cultures, writing [10am-5.30pm]
- Wednesday 26 February I TYPIFICATION. Practices, production and theories [9am-5.30pm]
WITH Daria Ayvazova (HEAR, Mulhouse) - Gwenaëlle Bertrand (ECCLA, U. Jean Monnet Saint-Étienne) - Vincent Beaubois (IRePh, U. Paris Nanterre) - Max Bonhomme (ACCRA, U. Strasbourg) - Claire Brunet (CRD, Ens Paris-Saclay) - Tanja Cunz(MoMA, New York) - John Didier (HEP Vaud, Lausanne) - Rodolphe Dogniaux (Labo d’Objet, Esad Saint-Étienne) - David Énon (Ensad, Nancy) - Maxime Favard (ACCRA, U. Strasbourg ; ESD Villefontaine) - Simone Fehlinger (Spacetelling, Esad Saint-Étienne, ACCRA, U.Strasbourg) - Catherine Geel (CRD, Ens Paris-Saclay ; Ensad, Nancy) - Brice Genre (LLA CRÉATIS, U. Toulouse Jean Jaurès) - Catherine Guiral (ESAM, Caen) - Hans-Georg Lippert (IBAD, Technische Universität Dresden) - Pierre Litzler (ACCRA, U. Strasbourg) - Charles Mazé (ANRT, Nancy) - Elke Mittmann (UR AMUP, ENSA Strasbourg) - Émilie Oléron-Evans (Queen’s Mary University, Londres) - Daniel Payot (ACCRA, U. Strasbourg) - Laurent Stalder (ETH, Zürich) - Marie-Aurore Stiker-Métral (Labo d’Objet, ESAD Saint-Étienne).
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