Cahen Roland
Researcher-Lecturer HdR
Electro-acoustic composer, sound designer.
Research topics
• Sound design : design and modelling of functional sound devices and content
Research in sound design through “doing and hearing”. Design of auditory experiences. Experimental research on functional sounds and sound devices.
• Sound and space, design of sound spaces
Sound spatialisation and kinetic music, interactive sound navigation, auditory cartography, sound and multimodal scenography, in-situ sound devices, sound ambiences, noise and noise pollution.
• Multimodal interaction design
Interactivity and sound and tactile-kinesthetic devices, coordination of sound, gesture and spatial interactions.
• Expressive interfaces and instrumental devices
Design of expressive interaction modalities with functional and artistic interfaces.
• Virtual reality and mixed sound and multimodal reality
Sound and multimodal design for virtual and mixed reality.
Student in Pierre Schaeffer's class at the Conservatoire national de musique de Paris (CNSM), he went on to be a tutor in electroacoustic composition at conservatories and universities. Passionate about theatrical and interactive multimedia creation, Roland Cahen is particularly devoted to questions of sound spaces, developing artistic and research work on sound spatialization, kinetic music, scenography and the applications of sound and the in-situ auditory experience.
A teacher and researcher since 1983 (since 2000 at ENSCi les Ateliers) Roland Cahen runs experimental studios, directs master's theses and occasionally supervises doctoral theses as an external expert and in co-supervision. He coordinates several research projects, including the Topophonie project (ENSCi- ANR/CapDigital 2009-2012) and ENIGMES (ENSCi- SCAM 2007 grant). He also participates in other research projects, such as the PHASE project (Composer in research at Ircam - RIAM network 2003-2005). Roland Cahen regularly publishes research articles, project reports and participates in collective works, including the White Paper Silence Chantier (Société du Grand Paris-Grand Paris Express, 2019). He is currently preparing a Habilitation to direct research (HDR) on tracks at ENS Paris-Saclay.
- Décibel d'Or 2019 (Société du Grand Paris for the Livre Blanc Silence Chantier)
- Faire Paris (2018) (Podophone project)
- Grand Prix de l'Innovation Ville de Paris 2013 (Special commendation in Design for Orb with the project project Topophonie)
- International competition of electroacoustic music, Bourges 1987 and 1994
Thesis supervision
• Doctoral Candidate : Anne-Cécile Cochet
Thesis title : Vers un design réversible : le cas des matériaux acoustiques.
Director of research : Antonella Tufano.
Research Laboratories : MAACC-MAP Modélisation pour l'Assistance à l'Activité Cognitive de la Conception. UMR CNRS 3495, CRD Centre de Recherche en Design. Unité de recherche n° 201923272T.
Entreprise (contrat CIFRE) : Saint-Gobain Recherche Aubervilliers. Tutrice : Katie Cotellon
Underway 2020-2023 (co-supervision)
• Doctoral candidate : Robin Lecomte
thesis title : Création de scénarios d'usage pour la voiture autonome avec anticipation des impacts personnels et sociétaux à long terme.
Thesis director : Bernard Yannou.
Laboratories : Laboratoire Génie Industriel (LGI), CentraleSupélec, 3 rue Joliot-Curie, F-91190, Gif-sur-Yvette, France.
Entreprises : PSA (contrat CIFRE). Tuteurs : Guillaume Thibaud ; Roland Cahen, Centre de Recherche en Design (CRD), ENSCi - Les Ateliers, 48 rue Saint-Sabin, Paris, France.
• Doctoral candidate : Claire Richards
Thesis title : INSOUND.
Summary: An alternative experience of listening, activated by the spatialisation of sound and vibrational sensation, and Une expérience d'écoute alternative, activée par la spatialisation des sensations sonores et vibratoires, and secondary effects of bone conduction.
Thesis supervisors : Nicolas Misdariis Ircam – Roland Cahen, Centre de Recherche en Design (CRD)
Entreprise : Actronika (contrat CIFRE). Responsable scientifique de l'entreprise : Vincent Hayward (UPMC)
2009 – 2012 (expertise and coordination of research-projects)
• Doctoral candidate : Hui Ding
Thesis title : Level of detail for granular audio-graphic rendering: representation, implementation, and user-based evaluation.
Thesis supervisor : Christian Jacquemin Coordination : Roland Cahen. Sound-expertise and thesis supervision in the capacity of coordinator of research project ‘Topophone’, in the framework of which the thesis was written. UNIVERSITE PARIS-SUD ÉCOLE DOCTORALE : Ecole Doctorale Informatique Paris-Sud (ED 427) Laboratoire d'Informatique pour la Mécanique et les Sciences de l'Ingénieur (LIMSI CNRS) (UPR3251)
DISCIPLINE Computer science
Thesis defended the 30/09/2013.
2006 (Supervision and expertise)
• Doctoral candidate : Frédéric Pascal
Thesis title : De quoi l'enregistrement sonore peut-il nous rendre témoin ? Essai d'épistémologie de l'enregistrement sonore.
Philosophy. École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), 2006. In french. fftel-00625545
Supervisor: Roland Cahen, supervision of thesis as specialist, member of the jury.
Responsabilities, juries
- Involvement in the ENSCi juries
- Part of Jury for classes in electroacoustic composition at various conservatories (Pantin, Montbéliard, Bourges).
- Jury of the DNSEP sound design ESBA TALM Le Mans, ESBA Bourges.
Other institutional roles
- Membre of the editorial board of Cube (1994-2019)
- Co-founder of the Masters in Sound Design at the École des Beaux-Arts du Mans TALM- Ircam-ENSCi (2008 ->…)
- Leading committee ANR CONTINT (2009-2011)
- ISEA 2000 board
Direction or other responsibilities for major projects
Projets underway
- Holds the Chair CRD s'entendre au travail : design sonore des espaces de travail Partnership with– CLEN - 2020-2023.
Previous projects
- Head editor of Livre Blanc Silence Chantier [White paper, silent workplace]
- Coordinator of research project Topophonie (ENSCi– ANR/CapDigital 2009-2012).
- Coordinator of research project ENIGMES (ENSCi- Bourse SCAM 2007).
- Co-director, New Atlantis (ENSCi – LocusSonus – SAiC) project.
- Artistic director of the project PHASE (Ircam – CEA List – Haption – Ondim). Project RIAM (Réseau Recherche et Innovation en Audiovisuel et Multimédia).
- Designer and developer of MusiqueLab (Ircam – Minsitère de l'Education Nationale).
Design Projects
- Kinetic Design
- Commande musicale, INA-GRM 2018-2019 (created January 2019)
- Research publication CMMR 2019 (Marseille)
- Livre Blanc Silence Chantier, [White paper, silent workplace] Société du Grand Paris, (Director of innovation + Ligne 15) 2017-2019, head editor, Décibel d'Or 2019.
Research programmes
- New Atlantis. New Atlantis is a shared (multi-user) virtual world online, dedicated to audio experimentation and practise. Financed by the Ministère de la Culture, ENSCi, Locus Sonus, SAiC, Le Cube – 2008-2018. Publication CMMR 2016 : Pete Sinclair, Roland Cahen, Jonathan Tanant, Peter Gena. New Atlantis: Audio Experimentation in A shared Online World. 12th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR 2016), University of Sao Paulo, Jul 2016, São Paulo, Brazil. pp.183-200. ffhal-01509400f
Supervision of projects (ENSCi) – Experimental and creative studios.
Publication Direction
- CAHEN, R., HIETIN, G., MASSON, B. Livre Blanc Silence Chantier. Direction de la publication : Roland Cahen - Ed. Société du Grand Paris.
- CAHEN, R., Topophonie research project scrapbook, 2013. Direction de la publication : Roland Cahen - Ed. ENSCi les Ateliers - Paris Design Lab, Cahier d'expérimentations, 2013.
Collective works
- CAHEN, R., Nouvelles extensions du domaine instrumental. Catalogue exposition Electrosound. Fondation EDF. Paris 2016, Ed. Le Mot et le reste.
- CAHEN, R., Processus créatifs, partages pour le XXe Siècle. In LUCIANI, A., TACHE, O., & CASTAGNÉ, N., Créativité instrumentale-Créativité ambiante / Ambiant and Instrumental Creativity, Colloque Art-Science-Technologie ACROE / Ed. Enactive System Books publisher - Grenoble 2012.
- CAHEN, R., JACQUEMIN, C., & SCHWARZ, D., Navigation et composition dans un univers graphique 3D de grains sonores In S. CHAUVIN (Ed.), Information & Visualisation : Enjeux, recherches et applications pp. 243–268, Ed. Cépaduès Editions, 2008.
- CAHEN, R., RODET, X., & LAMBERT, J.P., Sound Navigation in PHASE Installation : Producing Music as Performing a Game Using Haptic Feedback, in Springer Verlag Virtual Storytelling, Using virtual reality technologies for storytelling. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005, Volume 3805/2005, pp. 41-50, DOI: 10.1007/11590361_5.
Publications with reading committee
- CAHEN, Roland, HOUIX Olivier, MISDARIIS Nicolas ; Le son comme enveloppe, une réponse à l’enfermement psychique et physique ? In Art et design dans les lieux de soin, édité par Carine Delanoë-Vieux. Presses universitaires de Lyon, 2024. +
- MARCHAL, Théo, CAHEN, Roland ; Sonagining the workspace: a user-centric workshop. Inter-noise : 53rd International Congress & Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, French Acoustical Society, Aug 2024, Nantes (France), France. +
- RICHARDS, C., CAHEN, R., et MISDARIIS, N. Designing the balance between sound and touch: methods for multimodal composition. In : Proceedings of the 19th Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC 2022 Best Paper). +
- RICHARDS, Claire, MISDARIIS, Nicolas, et CAHEN, Roland. The Reciprocity of Speculative and Product Design Research in an Industrial Framework. In : International Workshop on Haptic and Audio Interaction Design. Springer, Cham, 2022. p. 81-91.
- RICHARDS, Claire, MISDARIIS, Nicolas, CAHEN, Roland, et al. Vibratory Detection Thresholds for the Spine, Clavicle and Sternum. In : 2021 IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC). IEEE, 2021. p. 346-346.
- CAHEN, R. Kinetic Design - From Sound Spatialisation to Kinetic Music, 14th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research, CMMR Marseille. Ed. Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences Series, (octobre 2019).
- CAHEN, R., Teaching Sound-Design ENSCI les Ateliers, Sound-Design and innovation : a virtuous circle. actes de la conférence Cumulus The Virtuous Circle : Design Culture and Experimentation, Politecnico, Milan, juin 2015, Ed. McGraw-Hill Education Italy.
- CAHEN, R., Sound design for navigation in topophonies, actes de la 14e Conference internationale Auditory Display, International Community for Auditory Display, ICAD08-1, pp. 24-27, Paris, juin 2008.
- CAHEN, R., Énigmes : la partition navigable, In Journées d'Informatique Musicale 2017, actes de la 19e conférence internationale de l'association francophone d'Interaction Homme-Machine, 2007, pp. 275-278.
- CAHEN, R. Peut-on créer des ambiances sonores durables in Revue Cultures & Recherche n° 113, 2007.
- CAHEN, R., Topophonies and score navigation in ENIGMES, actes de la 74e conférence internationale sur les interfaces actives, Grenoble, 2007.
- CAHEN, R., Une approche Schaefferienne de la création numérique, Communication lors du Colloque Pierre Schaeffer, Aspects prospectifs de la pensée de Pierre Schaeffer, France Télécom, Jardin de l'innovation, Issy les Moulineaux, décembre 2005.
- CAHEN, R., Navigation sonore et musique située : Quatre vues de l'espace musical. Une évolution possible du rapport entre la musique et l'espace in Revue Champs Culturels n°19, Ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Alimentation, de la Pêche et de la Ruralité, Direction générale de l'enseignement et de la Recherche.
- SINCLAIR, P., CAHEN, R., TANANT, J., & GENA, P., New Atlantis : Audio Experimentation in a Shared Online World In International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (pp. 229-246), juillet 2016.
- BARTHÉLÉMY, R., CAHEN, R., Navigating by sound in my SmartCity, testing new sound functionalities in cartographic navigation in Symposium Audio Mobility, Aix en Provence, 2015.
- SAVARY, M., SCHWARZ, D., PELLERIN, D., MASSIN, F., JACQUEMIN, C., & CAHEN, R., Dirty tangible interfaces : expressive control of computers with true grit, in CHI'13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 2991-2994. ACM, avril 2013.
- BOURGEOIS, M. J., & CAHEN, R., Crossing jungle : an analytical and experimental approach of activation profiles for audio-graphic navigation in clusters of leaves, in ISEA-the 17th International Symposium of Electronic Art. – ISEA, septembre 2011.
- SCHWARZ, D., CAHEN, R., BRUMENT, F., DING, H., & JACQUEMIN, C., Sound level of detail in interactive audiographic 3D scenes, in proceedings of International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), 2011, Huddersfield, Grande-Bretagne.
- SCHWARZ, D., CAHEN, R., SCHELL, N., Descriptor Based Texture Synthesis Control in Interactive Audio Graphic 3D Scenes by activation Profiles, DAFx 2001 Workshop Control of Audio-graphic Sound Synthesis.
- DING, H., SCHWARZ, D., JACQUEMIN, C., & CAHEN, R., Spatial audio : graphic modeling for X3D in Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on 3D Web Technology, pp. 7-10, ACM, juin 2011.
- SCHWARZ, D., CAHEN, R., & BRITTON, S., Principles and applications of interactive corpus-based concatenative synthesis in les Journées d'Informatique Musicale JIM 2008.
- SCHWARZ, D., BRITTON, S., CAHEN, R., & GOEPFER, T., Musical applications of real-time corpus-based concatenative synthesis in International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Copenhague, Danemark, aout 2007, pp. 47-50, hal-01161376.
- JACQUEMIN, C., AJAJ, R., CAHEN, R., OLIVIER, Y., & SCHWARZ, D., Plumage : Design d'une interface 3D pour le parcours d'échantillons sonores granularisés, actes de la 19e conférence sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine, pp.71-74, ACM., novembre 2007.
- RODET, X., LAMBERT, J. P., CAHEN, R., GAUDY, T., GUEDY, F., GOSSELIN, F., & MOBUCHON, P., Study of haptic and visual interaction for sound and music control in the phase project in Proceedings of the 2005 conference on New interfaces for musical expression, pp. 109-114, National University of Singapore, mai 2005.
- LAMBERT, J., RODET, X., CAHEN, R., GOSSELIN, F., & MOBUCHON, P., The phase project : haptic and visual interaction for music exploration, Sciences et Technologies de la Musique et du Son (STMS), Proc. Int. Computer Music Conf. (ICMA 2005), Barcelone, Espagne, septembre 2005.
- CAHEN, R., GERSZO, A., JOURDAN, E., Présentation des applications MusiqueLab : 6 applications musicales interactives pour l'enseignement musical dans les collèges et lycées in Journées d'Informatique Musicale (JIM Montbéliard), Ircam - Centre Georges Pompidou - Ministère de l'éducation nationale, 2003.
Other publications
- Séminaire Extensions Multi-sensorielles en Mobilité, in Design en Séminaire, mars 2018.
- Séminaire Silence Chantier in Design en Séminaire, décembre 2017.
- Séminaire Sons contre Maux in Design en Séminaire, novembre 2017.
- CAHEN, R., BOBROFF, J., Studio Expérimental Entendre l'invisible. Mieux faire comprendre des phénomènes physiques invisibles grâce à la spatialisation sonore audio-graphique interactive, explorer de nouvelles formes de représentations multimodales, concevoir de nouveaux dispositifs de médiation.
- CAHEN, R., Abstraction dématérialisation : le complexe du simple ou l'engloutissement de l'artiste chercheur numérique, actes du Colloque Pierre Schaeffer, Nancy, 2001.
- CAHEN, R, Enigmes, compte-rendu du projet & compte-rendu vidéo.
- CAHEN, R., De la caverne de Platon à la boite de Pandore in Les Lundis Multimédia de la Sorbonne, 2003.
Sites and links
Roland Cahen CV