Brunet Claire
Professor of philosophy
Philosophy of art, psychopathology, critical discourse and history of design.
Research topics
Design theory, modernities and history of destruction.
Claire Brunet is a former student of the École normale supérieure (ENS Ulm) and agrégée of philosophy. She started out translating Michael Fried (Absorption and Theatricality: Painting and Beholder in the Age of Diderot & Manet's Modernism, published by Gallimard), Rosalind Krauss (Passages in modern sculpture, published by Macula) and Oskar Bätschman (Dialectics of Painting, Ed. Flammarion), and worked on Baudelaire's art criticism. Since 2008 she has been editing Charles Melman's seminar (Eres), and was responsible for the publications of the International Lacanian Association.
She is currently working on historical ways of thinking design, starting with Destruction - between the revival of the modern project by the Ulm school, after the war, and Italian radicalism.
Having worked for a period on art criticism and modernist theory, and seminars on the history of decorative forms, she is currently focusing her work on the way in which modern and contemporary objects allow for the inflection of classic segments of psychoanalytic theory, based in particular on Jacques Lacan's remarks on "spare parts".
She is currently a member of the jury of the Agora design grant and responsible for critical writing. She recently published, as associate publisher with Sandra Laugier and Frédérique Ildefonse, Variations Claude Imbert with T&P, and the latest issue of the Cahiers du MNAM Hommage à Claude Imbert, and "Une anatomie réelle, le pavillon de Hans Haacke en 1993” will soon follow on, in the collective work Empavilloner overseen by David Bihanic.
PhD Supervision
• Doctoral Candidate : Julie Brugier
Thesis title : Design frugal, vers une réappropriation sensible de nos environnements domestiques.
Thesis supervisor : Samuel Bianchini, EnsadLab, École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, PSL, ED 540). 2016-2019.
Co-supervisors : Claire Brunet and Emanuelle Quinz, 15 % of the thesis SACRe.
Thesis submission : abandoned in 2019
• Doctoral Candidate : Baptiste Meyniel
Thesis title : Métaphores, métonymies et allégories et autres figures d'expression chez Ettore Sottsass (1917-2007) : méthodologie d'une approche en design par le langage et comme un langage.
Thesis supervisor : Claire Brunet and Emanuelle Quinz, EnsadLab, École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratif, PSL, ED 540. 2017-2020.
Co-supervisors : Claire Brunet and Emanuelle Quinz, 45 % of the thesis SACRe.
Viva : summer 2021
Editorial roles
• Part of reading committee at La Revue Lacanienne, International Lacanian Association– Eres editor since 2000.
- Jury member, for competitive entry to the design department, ENS de Cachan puis ENS-Paris-Saclay, since 1996.
- Jury member, for l’Académie de France in Rome, design 2011/2012.
- Jury for thesis of Alexandra Midal, Design par accident, pour une nouvelle histoire du design, supervised by Pascal Rousseau, Paris-1, 2012.
- Jury member for Agora en design grant since 2018.
- Member of recruitment board MCF Paris-1, 18th section, Pr Olivier Schefer president, May 2019.
Other institutional roles
- Member of the ENSCI Orientation Council since 2017.
- Advisor for the reform of the agrégation design & métiers d'art programme at the request of the General Inspector Brigitte Flamand, 2018.
Editor, with Catherine Geel, at the invitation of Bernard Moïse, of the exhibition Agora en design at the Pavillon de l'Arsenal, winter 2021.
Research Programmes
Co-director, with Catherine Geel (CRD), du programme PROBLEMATA 2019-2021, plateforme de diffusion de la recherche en histoire du design. Coordination avec M. Lejault (SECD).
- Financements : Labellisation Projet Maturation MSH Paris-Saclay, autofinancements des partenaires.
- Partenaires et participants : TGIR Huma-Num / UMS 3598 / CNRS, CRD (Ens Paris-Saclay / Ensci - Les Ateliers), Bibliothèque Kandinsky - MNAM – CCI, Bibliothèque des Arts Décoratifs, Cnap - ministère de la Culture, ANRT (Atelier de recherche typographique – Nancy), Cité du design, Société des études critiques en design, Strate Research, ACCRA EA3402 - Université de Strasbourg, ECCLA - Université de St-Étienne, Ensad - Nancy-Artem, Esad Reims, Design Spot - Université Paris-Saclay, La School Humanités - UPS, EnsadLab / École Nationale Dupérieure des Arts Décoratifs, Esad Valence, Bibliothèque Kandinsky ( Centre Georges Pompidou - CCI), bibliothèque des Arts décoratifs, FRAC Grand Large - Région Hauts de France.
- Le problème de Flaubert, Mel Bochner conference On translation, Paris, Centre Georges Poumidou, 6 & 7 December 2019, under the supervision of Sebastien Pluot, TALM Angers, with the support of MSH Paris-Saclay.
- Bunker archéologie, la disparition des photos, séminaire Arts visuels et figures de l'écrit : d'hier à aujourd'hui, sur quelques convergences récentes et nouveaux graphismes, Jean-Nicolas Illiouz (Paris-8,) Claude Imbert (ENS), Segolène Le Men (Paris-Ouest) ENS, Paris, 7 October 2020.
- Une nouvelle rhétorique, Journées Langres Philosophies: Le langage, organised by l'Inspection générale de Philosophie, at the invitation of Brigitte Sitbon, Langres, October 2020.
Organisation of seminar-series or conferences
- Day long workshop, « Post-colonial studies », histoire du design, et pratiques contemporaines, le cas « africain », co-organised with Catherine Geel and Analisa Viati-Navone (LéaV), Journée MSH Paris-Saclay. Guests : Émile de Vischer (Associé du Cluster Matters of Activity - Université Humboldt, Berlin & de l'EnsadLab), James Auger (CRD), Camille Bosqué, (École Boulle, Ensci-Les Ateliers), Manuel Charpy (laboratoire CNRS-INHA), Cristel Vesters (Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Fonds Kvadraat, Goethe Institut, Het Nieuwe Instituut), Coline Desportes (INHA, affiliated with CETHA and with the CRAL). Paris, January 2020.
- Doctoral seminar, “Italie around 1968”, Design History MSH Paris-Saclay. Scientific direction, with Catherine Geel (CRD), Emanuele Quinz (EnsadLab), Annalisa Viati-Navone (LéaV). Contributors: Gianpiero Frassellini, Manuel Oraizi, Elisabetta Mori (computer science Dpt, Middlesex University), Imma Forino (AUIC, Politecnico di Milano), Patrizia Bonifacio (UNESCO Bid Director), Roberta Grignolo (Archivio Moderna, USI), Karine Bomel (BK, curator of the architecture and design collections), Jerôme Pasquet (PhD in design history), March-June 2019.
- Research seminar “Italie around 1968” Design History MSH Paris-Saclay. Academic direction, with Catherine Geel (ENS de Cachan), Emanuele Quinz (EnsadLab). Contributors : Anne Massey (University of London), Frédéric Migayrou-Bartlett, Giani Pettena, Catherine Rossi (Kingston University), Roberto Gargiani (EPFL- LTH3), Michele Boni, Paola Nicolin (Université Bocconi), Franco Raggi, Jacopo Galimberti (Freie Universitat). March-June 2018.