Auger James
Researcher-Lecturer HdR.
Designer (speculative, critical and reconstrained design)
Research interests
Speculative Design could be described as a practise consisting of extrapolating the potential of an emergent technology, in order to produce hypotheses regarding products and the imaginaries they bear. This approach is also a means of questioning contemporary configurations of technological artefacts (and their systems) by the creation of alternative ones.
The principal advantage of speculative design resides in the dissociation it permits between practise and market imperatives, which constrain and orient design in a (commercial) dominant direction.
In placing itself outside of this system, design may adopt a different role than that perfected in the course of the 20th century: in not ceding to well-anchored notions of progress, of the manipulation of desire, and ostentatious consumption, etc., design may provide solutions better adapted to the world of the 21st century, in adjusting methods of design to the complex problems which we are confronted with today.
This pursuit involves a better understanding of cultural, societal, political, technological and (above all) natural systems, within which the practise of design operates, but also of the way in which objects thought up function. Only this better understanding of systems and objects allows for their putting into question, or their optimisation.
At present, there are three fundamental approaches, drawing from Charles Eames (1972)’s description of design — “a plan for arranging elements to accomplish a particular purpose”:
- To lay out emergent technology (not yet available) in order to produce hypotheses regarding products or future objects, or,
- To apply alternative plans, motivations or ideologies to those already at the origins of current technological development so as to facilitate new arrangements of existing elements, and
- To develop new perspectives on big systems : wide speculations which, even if technologically plausible, would be almost impossible to implement due to infrastructure constraints.
In order to :
- Ask what a better future or present (*) could be; what should be aimed toward.
- Understand the potential implications of a specific (disruptive) technology in different contexts and on multiple levels before it enters everyday life; what to avoid.
- To move design 'upstream' - not to settle for packaging technology at the end of the technology journey, but to influence that journey from its genesis; how and where to act.
(*) The answer to this question presents one of the the biggest issues — better for who? for what? The question highlights the inherent conflicts that it brings up: economy against environment; shareholders against society
James Auger is researcher-lecturer at the École normale supérieure (ENS Paris-Saclay). His work explores the routes by which research in design, centred around practice, may engender better anticipated and more democratic futures.
Having completed a Masters degree in Design Products (MA) at the Royal College of Art in London, James conducted research for the Media Lab Europe of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). in Dublin exploring the theme of human communication through technology.
Invited to Tokyo as designer for Issey Miyake Design Studio, he worked on developing new concepts for mobile phones.
Between 2005 and 2015, James joined the acclaimed Design Interactions department at the Royal College of Art, where he taught a Masters degree while developing his research into critical and speculative design approaches, the subject of his 2012 thesis.
In 2015, James founded Reconstrained Design Group at the Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute (M-ITI, Portugal), exploring the potential of the Island as living laboratory. There he experimented with projects that mixed fiction and reality, around the theme of ‘energy’, at multi-functional levels. These projects received the Cultural Innovation International Prize from the Centre of Contemporary Culture in Barcelona (CCCB) in 2017.
In addition to his academic research, James is cofounder and associate of the cabinet of speculative design Auger-Loizeau, established in 2000. Their projects have been published and shown worldwide, notably at MoMA (NYC), Gallery 21_21 (Tokyo), at the Science Museum (London), the National Museum of China (Beijing) and at Ars Electronica (Linz).
- Cultural Innovation International Prize, CCCB Gallery, Barcelona, Spain, 2017.
- SHAPE Energy Research Design Challenge, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, 2017
- Transmediale 10 (shortlisted), Carnivorous Domestic Entertainment Robots (Auger-Loizeau), Transmediale, Berlin, Germany, 2010.
- Special Mention, Carnivorous Domestic Entertainment Robots (Auger-Loizeau), VIDA 11 Art and Artificial Life Awards, 2009.
- Honourable Mention, Interactive Art, Iso-phone (Auger-Loizeau), Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria, 2004.
- Köln Klopfer (Cologne Thumper), Designer of the Year 2002, Köln Institute of Design (KISD), Germany, 2002.
Thesis supervision
• Doctoral candidate : Mark Basinger
Thesis title : Projecting UltraDuration : Sublimation & the Hypothetical Object.
Thesis supervisor : Laurene Vaughan (RMIT)
Co-supervisors : James Auger & Cameron Tonkinwise
Viva: november 2020
• Doctoral candidate : Gill Wildman
Thesis title : Strategic Design
Thesis supervisor : Laurene Vaughan (RMIT)
Co-supervisors : James Auger & Cameron Tonkinwise
Viva: april 2021
• Doctoral candidate : Mohammed Ali
Thesis title : Reconstraining Infrastructures.
Thesis supervisor : James Auger
Co-supervisors : Laurene Vaughan & Cameron Tonkinwise
Viva: november 2021
• Doctoral candidate : Estelle Hary
Thesis title : Living with algorithms, a speculative design exploration on weaving new relational paradigms with our technological ecosystems.
Thesis supervisor : James Auger
Co-supervisors : Liam Fennessy
Thesis started in november 2019
• Doctoral candidate : Gauthier Rossihle
Thesis title : Design as negotiation of a limited and sustainable world : how to negotiate everyday life on a damaged world with limited energy, resources and investment.
Thesis supervisor : James Auger
Co-supervisors : Liam Fennessy
Thesis started in november 2019
• Doctoral candidate : Olivier Troff
Thesis title : Regarder la complexité : dispositifs de vision du paysage en design.
Thesis supervisor : James Auger, ENS Paris-Saclay, ED SSH n°629 de l’Université Paris-Saclay
Co-supervisors : Anne Lefebvre (50% of co-supervision)
Funding : CDSN – contrat doctoral spécifique normalien
Enrolled in programme : september 2020.
Responsabilities, juries
- iF Design talent award 2019, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2011, 2010, 2009 et 2008.
- Core 77 design award 2011 – Speculative concepts/objects.
Design projects
- The Newton Machine, Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute. Project funded by INTERREG-MAC - 2016-2019. Voir le projet.
Research Programmes
• 2015 - 2019 : Principal Investigator (PI) and founder of the Reconstrained Design Group at Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute. Supervision of projects, writing of European bids, institutional strategy for the design aspect. Funding: Erasmus+, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), CCCB Cultural Innovation International Prize 2017 and INTERREG - Scenarios for Transformative Energy Alternatives in Macaronesia.
• 2006 - 2008 : Research fellow for Philips Design (at the RCA). Collaboration with Philips design Probes team to develop research on sense of smell.
• 2005 - 2015 : Various projects engaging with the public around sciences within the cabinet Auger-Loizeau, including collaborations with the University of Edinburgh, Aberystwyth University, University of Bristol, EPSRC, NESTA et the Science Museum, London.
• 2005 : Guest designer, Issey Miyake Design Studio (Tokyo, Japan) : applied research toward designing a new form of mobile phone.
• 2002 - 2005 : Research associate at Media Lab Europe : designing projects around the theme: “the future of human communication as mediated by technology », definitions of new research directions, project management and regular media interventions.
International peer reviewed journals
- AUGER, James & HANNA, Julian, The Possibility of Atopia: An Unmanifesto. In M. Agron, T. Covelli, A.Kandel & D. Langdon (Eds.), Perspecta: The Yale Architectural Journal, 2022, vol. 54, pp. 7-22. +
- AUGER, James, Seven Observations, or Why Domestic Robots are Struggling to Enter the Habitats of Everyday Life. In J. Dörrenbächer, R. Ringfort-Felner, R. Neuhaus & M. Hassenzahl (Eds.) Meaningful Futures with Robots - About the Design of a New Coexistence with Machines, Taylor&Francis, 2022. +
- AUGER, James, HANNA, Julian, La pièce la plus petite. In E. Quinz (Ed.) Le Comportement des Choses, pp. 274-281, les presses du réel, 2021. +
- AUGER, J., HANNA, J., ASHBY, S., & MATOS, S., Common World. In E. Staszowski & V.Tassinari (Eds.) Designing in Dark Times : An Arendtian Lexicon, pp. 85-89. Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2021. +
- WILLIS, M., ADAMO, G., HANNA, J., & AUGER, J., Towards Sustainable Island Futures: Design for Ocean Wave Energy. In Journal of Futures Studies, vol. 25(4) pp. 31-44, 2021. +
- AUGER, James, Beyond human-centered design In K. Kawasaki (Ed.) SPECULATIONS – 2019, pp.197-202. BNN Inc (Japan).
- AUGER, James & HANNA, Julian, How the Future Happens in Design and Futures : Special Issue of Journal of Futures Studies, Vol.23, N°3, march 2019, edited by Stuart Candy and Cher Potter.
- AUGER, James, HANNA, Julian & WATTS, Laura, The Newton Machine : Reconstrained design for energy infrastructure in Shape Energy Research Design challenge : Control, change and capacity – building in energy systems, Cambridge : SHAPE ENERGY 2018, edited by Patrick Sumpf and Christian Buscher.
- AUGER, James, How heart attacks could be a thing of the past : Reading and valuing speculative design, in Kunstlicht Vol.35, N°3/4, Speculari, 2014, edited by Rana Ghavami & Ragna Manz.
- AUGER, James, Speculative design : crafting the speculation, in Digital Creativity, Vol.24, N°1, 2013: Design fictions, pp.11-35, edited by Derek Hales.
- AUGER, James, Living with Robots : a speculative design approach, in Journal of Human-Robot Interaction, Vol.3, N°1, pp. 20-42, February 2014.
- AUGER, James, Alternative Presents and Speculative Futures : Designing fictions through the extrapolation and evasion of product lineages, In Swiss Design Network conference : Negotiating futures – Design Fiction, Vol.6. pp. 42-57. ISSN 978-3-9523662-1-9.
International conferences with published proceedings
- AUGER, James, HANNA, Julian, Alternative Timelines: Counterfactuals as an Approach to Design Pedagogy. Anticipation 22: 4th International Conference on Anticipation, Tempe, Arizona, USA, 2022. +
- HELGASON, Ingi, AUGER, James, HANNA, Julian & MITROVIC, Ivica, Speculative Design in Education : Mapping the Landscape, DESIGN CULTURE(S) | Cumulus 2020 Conference, Sapienza Universita di Roma, Roma, 16-19 Juin. Proceedings forthcoming June 2020.
- AUGER, James, HANNA, Julian & ENCINAS, Enrique, Reconstrained Design : Confronting Oblique Design Constraints Controls, Conference Nordes – Nordic Design Society, Oslo and Akershus University College, Oslo, 2-4 June 2017. Nordes digital Archive : ISSN-number 1604-9705.
- AUGER, James, HANNA, Julian & ENCINAS, Enrique, Wait for the Drop : Designing a Gravity Powered Turntable of the Future, xCoAx : 5th Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetic & X, Lisbon, Portugal, July 2017. Proceedings edited by Luisa Ribas, André Rangel, Mario Verdicchio & Miguel Carvalhais : ISBN: 978-989-746-128-6, 389 p.
- HANNA, Julian, AUGER, James & ENCINAS, Enrique, Reconstrained Design : a Manifesto, DIS (Designing Interactive Systems), Edinburgh, UK, June 2017. Proceedings general chair – Oli Mival, ISBN: 978-1-4503-4922-2.
- AUGER, James, TAYLOR, Alex & SWAN, Laurel, Speculative design by practice : a robot case study, EASST Conference (European Association for the study of Science and Technology) : Practicing Science and Technology, Performing the Social, Trento, Italy, September 2010. Convened by Carl DiSalvo, Tobie Kerridge and Alex Wilkie.
- ZIVANOVIC, Aleksandar, AUGER, James & LOIZEAU, Jimmy, Carnivorous Domestic Entertainment Robots, TEI'09 (Tangible and Embedded Interaction): Pages 127–130, conference chair – Nicolas Villar, ISBN: 978-1-60558-493-5. February 2009.
International conferences without proceedings
- ALI, Mohammed, AUGER, James & ENCINAS, Enrique, Illuminating Infrastructure, Economia Renewable Futures conference, Eindhoven, Netherlands, April 2017.
- AUGER, James & HANNA, Julian, Promise in the Periphery : Designing bespoke energy for Madeira, REMOTE : Rethinking Remoteness and Peripherality, Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Norvège, January 2017.
- AUGER, James & HANNA, Julian, The Possibilities of an Island : redesigning Madeira, Island Cities and Urban Archipelagos, University of Hong-Kong, March 2016.
General presentations,
| General presentations (continued),
Sites & links